I have always been fascinated by how YouTubers get thousands and millions of views on their videos. How these YouTubers acquire more and more subscribers. What is that magical potion that makes them acquire thousands and thousands of followers?
In the recent few years, I have seen more and more YouTube channels from the region. Some of them are doing really well, while some of them are still working their way up.
If you and your channel are still struggling to make your up, don’t lose hope. Continue to make more and more awesome videos. For it is that one viral video that can change the whole thing.
Here’s a case study of Uncle Roger’s YouTube Channel.
We all know Uncle Roger! And I’m sure you loved his videos as much as I do.
Uncle Roger is a character created by Nigel Ng (born 15 March 1991), a Malaysian comedian and content creator based in London, UK.
In July 2020, he went viral globally with his character “Uncle Roger”, a middle-aged Asian man reviewing an egg fried rice video of Hersha Patel of BBC Food.
This egg fried rice video has been viewed more than 20 million times in the last six months.
As of date, his channel has so far earned a total of more than 155 million views with a total of 3.09 million subscribers.
And here’s the thing, it was because of this one viral egg fried video that Uncle Roger’s Channel saw a substantial increase in the number of subscribers and video views.
Though his channel was created in November 2012, it became popular only after the viral video.

As of 7 July 2020, a day before he releases the egg fried rice video, he had 7670 total subscribers with 3,01,655 video views. He published the egg fried rice video on 8th July. By the end of the month, ie. on 31st July his channel had gained a total of 4,58,000 subscribers and 1.3 million video views.
Prior to the viral video, Uncle Roger’s Channel adds subscribers at an average of 150 subscribers per week in 2020. After that viral video, the number of weekly subscribers quickly rose to more than 1-2 lakhs.
His videos were viewed at an average of 5k per week prior to that viral egg fried video. However, after the viral video, his videos had weekly views of 3/4 million per week.
Uncle Roger’s YouTube Channel currently has 3.09 million subscribers and 155 million total views. More than 3 million subscribers and 155 million views were gained just in the last 6 months after the release of that viral egg fried video.

It not only helps Nigel Ng (aka Uncle Roger), but it also greatly helped Hersha Patel (or as uncle Roger calls her Auntie Hersha) to grow her channel substantially. Hersha Patel, who created her YouTube Channel in January 2012, had a low average of just around 10 subscribers per week and weekly video views of 200 in her channel.
However, after Uncle Roger reviewed her video of making egg fried rice, she had gained thousands of subscribers weekly and tens of thousands of video views on her channel weekly.

As of 6 July 2020, two days before Uncle Roger reviewed her video, Harsha had only 2,880 subscribers and a total of 108,985 views.
Today, six months after that viral video, Harsha has now 209k subscribers and 9.6 million video views.

So if you have a YouTube Channel and struggling to grow your subscribers and video views, don’t lose heart. One day you may have your viral video that will change the course of everything. Continue to do what you love!
Or you can also be like Auntie Harsha who reaps the benefit from Uncle Roger. Fuiyooh!!!
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