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I have been using and experimenting with the chatbot version of GPT-3, called ChatGPT, for the past few days and have always been stunned by the outcome. For those who don’t know, GPT-3 is an AI language model developed by OpenAI

Today I asked ChatGPT to write an ode to ‘Morung‘ and ‘patriotic Naga song

Here’s the patriotic Naga song “Standing United for Nagalim”

Verse 1:
Nagalim, land of the brave
Where the mountains stand tall
From the hills to the valleys
Our hearts never fall

We are proud to be Naga
Our heritage runs deep
We’ll stand strong and united
For our land we’ll keep

Verse 2:
Our culture is diverse
But it’s ours to defend
We’ll defend our traditions
Until the very end

We are proud to be Naga
Our heritage runs deep
We’ll stand strong and united
For our land we’ll keep

We’ll march on to victory
Side by side, hand in hand
With the strength of our ancestors
We’ll take our stand

We are proud to be Naga
Our heritage runs deep
We’ll stand strong and united
For our land we’ll keep

And here’s the ode Morung

Oh Morung, ancient dwelling place
Where generations have kept their grace
With walls of wood and roofs of thatch
You stand as a symbol of our past

In your halls the stories are told
Of our ancestors brave and bold
Their deeds and struggles live on
In the tales that are passed on

Through the smoke and firelight
We gather and share our insight
And in your warmth and sacred space
We find our cultural pride and grace

Oh Morung, you are more than just a home
You are a repository of our history and bone
You remind us of who we are
And the legacy we hold so dear

May you stand for many years
As a testament to our culture and fears
For you are not just a building
But a living part of our being.

PS: Many years ago I had written an Ode to Morung which is also published here on this website, Morung: An Ode. Go read that too and let me know if you see any resemblance between my poem and the poem generated by AI. is hosted on A2Hosting - A Fast & Secure Web Hosting

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