Lt. RVS Lakleiphy
A Mother’s love surpasses every Love,
An Unconditional Love in its truest form.
Peace, joy, and comfort;
Where can you get it all?
I got it all from my mother’s Lap.
Behind every wrinkled line on her face,
Lies a tale of remarkable sacrifice.
A tale of how I transform
From a boy to manhood.
A tale of selfless sacrifice.
Every single drop of her silent tears;
Gave me an ocean of changes.
A tool that had sharpen me,
And made me what I am today –
A better person.
Every count of her hair fall,
Every drop of her sweats,
That rolls down her pale cheek,
Had given me the best life can offer,
While she compromises with the least.
Every single moment of her lonely time
Kneeling down in prayers,
With the only sound that of her silent tears
Touching the floor,
Had me wrapped in utmost protection.
And Behind every line of her cracked feet;
Lies a story of highest dedication,
A tale of purest love and care,
A story of utmost hard work,
And a testimony of living sacrifice.
R.R.Shimray II
A mother’s love is priceless and she will always love you and always with you.
Thanks Priyanka for dropping by. Yes, indeed, mother’s is an unconditional love…